Terms of service

Helping relationship between purchasers and suppliers for reasonable and stable trade

This Terms of use is made to regulate your (including individuals, individual industrial and commercial businesses and enterprises and public institutions) use of "Seall" (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform") whether personally or on behalf of an entity and Seall and has the legal effect of the contract. You shall carefully read and abide by this Platform Terms of Use ("Terms"). You agree that by assessing the site, you have read and agreed to be bound by all of these terms immediately in first use of this platform. Please carefully read and fully understand the terms of this Terms. Unless you have read and accepted all terms of this Terms, you are not entitled to use the Platform. By using the Platform, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this Terms.

1.Use of the Platform

All sources indicated in this Platform: texts, pictures, diagrams, graphic designs, trademarks, photos, the code used to generate the web pages and any other content constituting these web pages are owned by the Platform. These materials shall not be modified, reproduced, publicly displayed, published or distributed in any way on the Platform or otherwise used for any public or commercial purpose without the consent and authorization of the Platform and its owner. Use of these materials on any other website or other print media or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited. Content on this Platform and editing forms are protected by law, any unauthorized use may constitute infringement of copyright, trademark and other legal rights. The content of this Platform shall not be used or displayed on other websites without the consent of this Platform and its owner.

1.1 Information used
This Platform does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the information on this Platform. The contents of this Platform or the products introduced in these contents are subject to abrupt change without prior notices. The information posted on this Platform may be products, programs or services that are not available to you.

1.2 Use of Information provided by users:
All of identifiable information, any other materials, information or contact information you send or mail to the Platform will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. The Platform assumes no obligation for such information, and your submission is deemed to be consent (or authorization) Unless specifically stated. The use of this Platform shall not violate laws and regulations and public morality, and shall not mail or send to or from this Platform any illegal, threatening, defamatory, slanderous or other potentially illegal materials.

1.3 User communication:
The Platform shall not be responsible for monitoring or reviewing the information sent or mailed by users on the Platform or in any field of information communicated with each other separately. The Platform reserves the right to delete messages containing information deemed to be insulting, defamatory or otherwise objectionable upon discovery.

1.4 Links:
The link service on Seall provides direct access to other sites, which are not controlled by the platform that is not responsible for the content of any sites linked to this Platform.

Seall hereby expressly disclaims any legal liability for the following matters:

1) No direct, indirect, legal or contractual warranties are made regarding the use of the Platform and any content, services related to the Platform or other sites and contents linked to the Platform.

2) For any loss or damage (including direct or indirect loss or damage) caused by you or any person in this Platform through the use of the information on or linked to this Platform or any other site information linked to this Platform, no matter whether such damages are caused by the use or inability to use the Platform, any sites linked to the Platform or information contained in any such sites, or whether they have warranties, contracts, torts or any other legal basis and have been advised in advance that such damages may occur. The user shall bear the responsibility for the following situations:
2.1) information is transmitted, routed, connected and stored through the necessary automatic technical process,
2.2) the information is not selected by the network service provider; In addition to responding automatically to requests from others.

3.Usage policy
It is necessary for the Platform to establish the following usage policy to prevent the abuse of this Platform:
1) Posting or disseminating any information that is illegal, threatening, defamatory, uncomplimentary, vindictive, profane or any other prohibited by law, including but not limited to any provocative encouraging crime, or in violation of civil obligations or any other violation of local laws and regulations, state laws and regulations or international laws and practices or the content of the convention.
2) Posting or disseminating any other person's personal events, posting or disseminating viral or any content with derogatory or damaging features;
3) Posting or disseminating any texts, data, graphics or programs that may infringe other person's property rights, including illegal use of unregistered copyright texts, graphics or programs, trade secrets and other confidential information, trademarks, service marks, etc.;
4) Disturb other users of the Platform in any way.

4.Application of law and dispute resolution
1) This Terms is signed in Busan District
2) The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Terms shall be governed by the laws of the South Korea.
3) In case of any dispute or dispute arising from the performance of this Terms, you agree to submit the dispute to the people's court having jurisdiction at the place where this Terms is signed (Busan district) for settlement. The above statement is subject to abrupt change at any time. You should visit this page frequently to understand the current terms and conditions, as they are closely related to you.
Tel: + 82 10 5829 5599(M/P), 82 51 323 7601(South Korea) , ops@js-seall.com
+ 91 98 3340 9223 (India,overseas office)