• Ship repair

    Hull & machinery
    Electric and control system

  • Spare parts trading

    Ship components and spares

  • Technical service

    SE,SR maintenance and periodical inspection Underwater hull cleaning, ship surveys, cargo surverys Port agency. Thickness measurement

  • Sale & Purchase for used parts and ship

    Trading used components and vessels

SEALL is a Marine and offshore online trading platform
with most of the suppliers operable not only in Korea but also global

  • Sellered Joined

    • Interpretation and performing assigned business for clients
    • Assistance for document to be interpreted
    • Consulting and supporting Computational program and mobile Application
    • Verification and inspection on procurement by request of clients
  • Notice

  • Brochure

  • Contact Us

Tel: + 82 10 5829 5599(M/P), 82 51 323 7601(South Korea) , ops@js-seall.com
+ 91 98 3340 9223 (India,overseas office)